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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pediasure Liquid

This nice mummy sent me 2 bottles of strawberry-flavored Pediasure liquid which she bought when she was in Singapore recently. She said it was for Baby to try since Baby is currently drinking Pediasure powder. This is currently not available in Malaysia.

I gave some to Baby to try and diluted it with some water as it was a little too sweet but she hated it! It was torturous both for her and me during feeding time. My maid and I had to crack our heads to find things to amuse and distract her while we shoved the spoonfuls of milk into her mouth.

When nothing worked, we brought Alycia's scooter into the house and let her ride on it. That was the best 'distracter' and she finished all her strawberry flavored Pediasure, which was only 2 ounces... and it took us almost an hour to spoon-feed her, looooooooooong sigh!

After that, I didn't want to put Baby and I through another torture chamber session. I gave Alycia the remaining milk, which I had mixed with some chilled Marigold HL fresh milk.

Once again Rachel, thanks very much for the 2 bottles of milk. That was so thoughtful of you to send the milk to Baby C.

Gosh, it's terribly stressful to feed Baby formula each day - 3 times a day. I can't wait for her to grow up so that I can be relieved from this torturous back-breaking, hair-tearing, nerve wrecking, skin-pulling chore!!


mommy to chumsy said...

does she drink fresh milk? no likey? or could you hide the pediasure in her yoghurt or soya bean? i used to boil apples for ashley, mashed it, added some milk powder diluted in water into the mashed apples and fed her.

Health Freak Mommy said...

Barb... I mix the Pediasure powder with soy bean milk now. She's still ok with the vanilla flavored Pediasure, quite ok with the chocolate flavored one. I don't think Baby wld want to eat mashed boiled apples with milk. She hates mushy mushy stuff, esp baby cereal :(

LittleLamb said...

I imagine being in ur shoes..trying to spoon feed Philip milk..for 1 hour.. i think i will give up. I dont have the tolerance level. Thank God Philip is good boy to drink his milk. Maybe I am strict...cos from beginning I m strict! but when philip is with my parents, he will bully them and not drink milk.. *sigh*

Anyway i didnt buy Vanilla for u cos philip dont drink vanilla flavor. So if ur brother comes back ..he can get u vanilla n choc liquid.

Merryn said...

oh dear. i kenot imagine what u are going thru. but i sure can feel the sufferings. sigh.